What Happens in Vegas...
Y'all know that saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right? Well, lets just say I'm not a big roller and lost more money than I...
Forever Blessed
Hi y'all! This is going to be short and sweet because I have class soon, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Today is a good day, I...
LEGAL! Say what???? The moment every teenager/young adult has been waiting for, the day you turn 21! So exciting! Well it is not actually...
Day 1 of 365
Happy New Year!! Hiiii guys! Sorry I've been missing in action lately, I had a blog ready to be submitted on Christmas Day and it never...
You Know It's Finals Week...
You know it's finals week when you get an email from your university saying the library will begin to stay open 24/5. Ohh, the struggle!...
The Reason for the Season
You know the holidays are quickly approaching when shopping malls are becoming busier, ugly sweaters are the new norm, and finding the...