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Forever Blessed

Hi y'all!

This is going to be short and sweet because I have class soon, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi!

Today is a good day, I dropped my public speaking class. Now before y'all jump to conclusion I am picking up another class that is not solely based on speeches, instead I will be working on resumes, documents, and giving a couple speeches here and there.

This decision is definitely for the better and before deciding on what to do I asked and prayed to God for an answer. Isn't it awesome to worship a God who provides you with answers when you need them the most?! Of course, I was given that answer when a girl came up to me before one of my classes and started talking about this class that she is in (taking it in place of public speaking) and mentioned that it is a substitute for my speech class!!!

Definitely a sign from God!! If that does not make you believe I do not know what will!! So incredibly blessed to serve a Lord so powerful that he is able to take away my stresses.

Praise him!!

I probably will not be back on for awhile as these next couple weeks become hectic.

With that being said, Happy Early Valentines Day to all my lovely couples out there. Remember do not just make V-Day special but you should make every day that you two are together special. And to all my single friends, your special someone is out there, keep looking! Until then, eat a lot of chocolate and drink a lot of beer! Enjoy being single!!

Okay, so maybe this was not very short... o

h well!


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